"One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have
lived the life you wanted to live--with the rough and the smooth, the good and
the bad--but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's."

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wednesday's Simple Joys

For as long as I can remember my Daddy has said "it's all about the little things." And Momma and Daddy raised my sister and I that way. Don't get me wrong. We did the big things too. Like our vacations to places like New York, Disney World, and Italy, or Christmases that Momma and Daddy always overdo (hey we aren't complaining :)).
But I can promise you that Hannah and I have just as many, if not more, joyful memories in "little things" like the following:
Dinner together as a family, nightly
(a requirement in my parents' household and no t.v. on either)

The tiny, super cute, 1000 square foot house that we grew up in
(M & D are still there-no, square footage has never been added-except the deck)

Sharing a tiny bedroom during our childhood

That we didn't kill each other while sharing a bedroom of any size for any length of time

"Deck Parties" after football games in high school

(Birthdays in our family were and are a huge deal)

Going to "take your daughter to work day" with Daddy

The very few times that Momma kept us out of school for a surprise day of fun

Baseball games

Sunday Afternoon Drives

Momma and Daddy being as much in love today as they were on their wedding day over 28 years ago

Of course having each other to grow up with (most days anyway :)!)

And the laughter. Oh my goodness the laughter....
I think you get the point. There is as much, if not more joy in the "Little Things."
And in my Red Cottage Life, I live by that philosophy. I refuse to wait on big things to make my life joyous. I will not wait for a $100,000 yearly salary, a $1,000,000 house, or even a husband or child to make me happy. (My goodness, in my career field we all know the 3rd and 4th thing are never going to happen :)) And what happens if I never get married or never have a child.
What am I supposed to do-be miserable my entire life? That's silly!
I am not saying never be sad, never mourn a loss, never get frustrated with life...we all have our rough spots!
What I am saying is...try, everyday, to find the joy in the "Little Things." And sometimes it is all about improvising and many times it works out better than what you originally thought you wanted.
For example, instead of that $100,000 salary; I do what I love. I know, cliché right? But so true! Instead of that million dollar home; my home feels like a million bucks because it reflects me, some would say SCREAMS me. And since I am not in a position to have children right now....I borrow these munchkins sometimes (much less often than I'd like) and Dear Lord, do they bring the joy...
As for the husband, I hope one day we find each other. In the meantime, I surround myself with awesome friends and family. And I have been known to call on a friends' husband to catch lizards, help me chase down Faith Anne, or other random things like that (right, husbands of the nine?!?).
Wow-didn't know I had that much to say about the "little things!" Who knew??!!?
So, in honor of “it’s all about the little things," I will be posting a “simple joy” every week (much like Monday Memories).

We shall call it "Wednesday's Simple Joys"

Faith Anne will start us off...

Her Simple Joy: A Stick
(notice the basket full of toys, right next to her, that she is completely ignoring)
Pure Joy, for a good 30 minutes, I tell you!
Wishing you the "simple joys" of life,
M. (and Faith Anne)

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