"One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have
lived the life you wanted to live--with the rough and the smooth, the good and
the bad--but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday's Simple Joys

Remember last Wednesday when I gave you a simple joy that did not cost you a dime?!? Remember how excited you were?!?

Well guess what people! I have another simple joy that will not cost you a dime!
Are you ready?!?

It is called the "Ha Game!!"
Now I know you are wondering what this is...don't worry I am going to explain it to you...

Here's what you do:

First of all you need at least two people...but I think it is best when you have at least four and the more the merrier....play with 100 if you want!

The first person lays on the ground. The second person lays their head on the first person's stomach. The third person lays their head on the second person's stomach and so on....
Then the first person goes "Ha." The second person goes "Ha. Ha." The third person goes "Ha. Ha. Ha." The fourth person goes "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." And so on...when you run out of people it goes back to the first person who continues the "Has." For example. In this case, we had four people. So after the fourth person went "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha," The first person would then go "Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha." And then the second person would go. And so on.

Seems easy enough right? Well yes...BUT the object is to do it WITHOUT LAUGHING!!! And people...this may not sound like it would make you laugh...but I PROMISE YOU WILL!!! It is soooo damn funny.

Please play. Play with your family. Play with your friends, your co-workers, anyone really. (I have played with my family of four, a group of 9 friends, and even a group of 30 band members.) It breaks up the tension. Provides some joy. You will have so much fun...it will cause you to skip! And is there anything more joyful than experiencing not one...but TWO simple joys in one day that do not cost you a DIME!!!

And you know I never leave you without awesome pictures!!!
Playing with the fam probably around 2004
(obviously I was taking the picture)
I wish I had more pictures. We have played
it lots. I just couldn't find anymore pictures.
A series a shots of me and some of The Nine playing "Ha."
Blair took the pics.
Wishing you the simple joy of a game of "Ha"~
*Please comment after you play and tell me about your "Ha" experience! You can even e-mail me pictures! I would love to see them!!!*


  1. Ha, Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    Where in the world did you come up with such nonsense?! - But you really can't play without cracking up - I've tried!

  2. So... this is SUCH a clever post & you have the most gorgeously brilliant site here. It's all perfect !

    I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Thank you for sharing it all and have a great Sunday....
