"One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have
lived the life you wanted to live--with the rough and the smooth, the good and
the bad--but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's."

Monday, April 19, 2010

A "HouseLift"

Well friends, after a few weeks of no internet...something about the incorrect IP address (whatever that means)....I have much to blog about!

Faith Anne and I weren't the only ones who needed Spring to hurry and get here.  The Little Red Cottage desperately needed some refreshing...a HouseLift if you will....

Here is the before shot.  I am a little embarrassed....but what can I say...during the winter months (except Christmastime)...I do little to cozy up the outside of my little home.
Please take time to notice my poor poor pots to the far left of the picture.
Aren't they so sad?!?

You can also notice Faith Anne sticking her head between the rails on the left of the porch.  I think she enjoys doing that because she knows that it freaks me out!

Before I show you an after shot...I should tell you that I have a new found love.  Maybe a new career.  We shall see where it leads....here's a hint....

Yes!  I am in love with pressure washing!  LOVE LOVE LOVE! 
(My neighbor actually wrote my name...my handwriting is not that good on paper...let alone with a pressure washer.)
So if you need something pressure washed...I am your gal!

Anyhoo, back to the after shot.

Are you ready...

It is a little bit of a shocker....

Here we go....

Isn't it FANTASTIC?!?! 
I do love the yellow door and the ferns, and the flowers...most of which I have managed to keep alive and even thriving :)!

I will post more "close ups" of particular areas in the coming weeks.

That's what Faith Anne and I have been up to in the past month....

What have you been up too?!?

Wishing you a "Happy HouseLift"~
~M and Faith Anne~


  1. As always...very cute! We've missed our Megs! Call us, come see us!

  2. Aw, Meghan! It *is* adorable! ...and so are you. You crack me up, pressure washing love? You're hilarious. I've missed your happy blogging, don't leave us for so long again :o)

  3. I LOVE your yellow door. PERFECT!
