"One of the greatest feelings in life is the conviction that you have
lived the life you wanted to live--with the rough and the smooth, the good and
the bad--but yours, shaped by your own choices, and not someone else's."

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Friday Favorite

Life is about the simple moments.
Momma, Daddy, Hannah, and I recently took a trip to New York City for an extended weekend.  It was a fantastic trip and I loved every minute.  The picture above is one of my favorite moments. 

Hannah and I were inside the fantastic smelling Magnolia Bakery picking out cupcakes for a snack (we chose the red velvet with cream cheese icing and chocolate with chocolate icing....YUMMY, EXCELLENT choices!!!).  We also ended up with highly recommended banana pudding that we immediately inhaled with Momma and Daddy. 
While in the really long line with tons of people, Momma and Daddy were snapping pictures of us.  This one is my favorite.  We look were so happy....Hannah and I were laughing at them taking the pictures, people were bumping into us,  and it was just a little, delightfully chaotic.

I don't know why I remeber that little moment so well, but I think it's because we were all together enjoying a spontaneous moment, doing what we do best in our family:  laughing, enjoying life and each other. 

So yes, seeing the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building are great....but don't forget to pay attention to the simple moments and joys on your next vacation today.

Wishing you a Delightfully Chaotic Moment with a Fabulous Family~


  1. What a great time! I love how you basically summed up our lives and growing up together in this post...and you probably didn't even realize it. ..."DELIGHTFULLY CHAOTIC"..."laughing, enjoying life and each other." Life has been so good! Thank you! All my love!

  2. Let's set the record stright. The banana pudding was inhaled by Meghan, Hannah and Daddy, and I have the picture to prove it, if it's needed. I love my girls and thank you both for all of the joy and love you bring to our family. Momma

  3. What a great picture! Love you guys!

